After more than three years of development, several launches and over 300k$ in Ad spend we have bullet proof tested the best strategies to track 100% of all conversions in Facebook & Instagram Ads.
Our software uses UTM parameters information combined with real time data from the Facebook Marketing API and does all the hard work so you can focus on what really matters: optimize and scale your campaigns.
If you run ads on Facebook and/or Instagram and use ActiveCampaign as your CRM, the Insights software will help you track all of your leads and sales with no hassle.
But that’s not all.
Having your data right is important, but that’s only the first step.
With Insights you will learn and have access to the tools to better understand your data and navigate through your marketing campaigns.
If you are willing to:
– Invest time learning the Mixed-Attribution Model
– Invest in the Insights software
– Signup for the early access
You will get:
– Access to the beta Insights platform
– Private 1on1 tracking coaching
– Early access discount
– Access to the Founders membership Club
– Private support 24/7 during 1 year
– Double guarantee